Saturday, June 1, 2024

Without Freedom of Speech people will start killing each other this year and the next

 Younger people often want political Correctness and there are even laws about this now many places in the U.S. However, the reality is that if you don't let Liberals and Conservatives Scream at each other then you have people killing each other.

All points of view need to be allowed to scream at each other epithets or else they will start killing each other. Only screaming at each other seems to prevent people killing each other enough so democracy can survive.

People younger than 50 or 60 don't seem to understand human nature in this way. Political Correctness at this point will start causing more and more people to die here in the U.S. and around the world.

We are there at a point of violence here in the U.S. and without freedom of speech thousands of people are going to Die here in the U.S. this year and the next. I can see it coming from what I have seen worldwide over the last 76 years of my life.

Democracy isn't pretty. It's very messy. And without Freedom of Speech for the different sides to scream at each other their (Truths?) then Democracy ends and do you really want that?

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