Saturday, June 1, 2024

Angels are a part of human survival. It has always been this way and likely always will be

 Believing in Angels was normal when I grew up in the 1950s. Why? Because Medicine hadn't developed that much yet and people were very ignorant compared to now. However, being educated and sophisticated can be a problem because being over educated and being taught things counterproductive to your long term survival is a problem too. I remember being in college especially when I was at UCSC and realizing that much of what I was being taught was sort of brainwashing me into more of an intellectual and less common sense intuitive approach to life. I found that living remotely in Mt. Shasta was more helpful to my ongoing physical and mental and spiritual survival than most of what I was learning at UCSC. Also, this is a very intellectual University with most people getting Master's degrees and PHds also. Also, their mascot is a Banana Slug which is sort of a joke regarding sports I suppose in a way.

So, like I said this is a very intellectual university filled with Valedictorians and Class presidents of their senior high school classes. But, this can be problematic too if you give up your common sense and intuitive survival abilities just for the sake of pure intellectual thought.

There has to be some balance between common sense and intuitions and instincts for all this to keep you alive and preventing you from Self Destructing as a human being on any level.

After all, it's a balance of how any of us survive as human beings here on earth. And finding that balance will decide whether we live or die in the end. Survival ISN"T about College it's about finding our center enough to go on living at all.

So, in this sense College can be counterproductive to one's survival here on earth very easily. So, finding this balance as soon as possible in life is a life or death thing.

Angels have always been in my life and without them I would have died 100s of times already. This is pretty obvious to me and I'm grateful for them every day of my life.

Who are the angels?

There are angels who never become human beings and there are angels that are our relatives who are good people who raised us who were aunts and uncles and Grandparents and parents and cousins and friends who have always loved us and cared for us but have now passed on but are still here to help care for us.

So, being in Contact with angels who are relatives and friends often is a matter of life and death just like when you are a child and you need an adult to keep you from wandering off a cliff or out into the street and into cars and trucks and getting hit you need angels in your life to stay alive often even one more day.

So, this is why I say that Angels are a part of Human survival and always have been for hundreds of thousands and likely millions of years because I believe we are related to human beings who lived on many different planets throughout the Milky Way Galaxy to begin with.

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