Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Writing can save democracy online now all over the world!

 The problem as I see it is people are putting religion above Democracy. I understand people's fear around this because I grew up as a Scientific Creationist myself. So, I understand why people put religion above Democracy.

However, when you do this you cut off your nose to spite your face because without Democracy YOU DO NOT HAVE FREEDOM OF RELIGION AT ALL!

And without freedom of religion the whole thing becomes ridiculous

And this is just the problem with the Right who are extremely religious in this country.

The problem with the LEFT is also against democracy too even though most don't understand this who are Liberals.

The problem is that Democracy cannot survive with Political Correctness because Political Correctness is not Democratic but Autocratic instead!

Whenever you FORCE all the people in the U.S. (or any other country) to believe what you believe you have failed and you are killing democracy.

So, the right is killing democracy by putting their religion above Democracy and the Left is Killing Democracy by putting political Correctness above democracy!

So, the whole reason you have a candidate like Trump is the religious Right won't put up with Political Correctness!

Understanding this one thing might save our democracy from both Political Correctness AND Religions.

Writing about this so people can be more informed about freedom of Religion obtained through Democracy and writing about how Democracy cannot survive the autocracy of Political Correctness actually might SAVE all democracies on earth from becoming Nazi like STates like Trump will make this country.

People who put political correctness above Democracy are Handing Trump his sword to execute Democracy!

Understanding this might actually save our democracy! Hopefully!

So, write about this in all democracies and maybe just maybe Democracy won't start to end on earth Election Day This November 2024!

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