Monday, June 24, 2024


 In order to write well you have to "live" to some degree in the world you are creating. I started writing about Arcane and all the rest in 1980 on Lassen Lane where it meets Old Stage road on my front lawn looking up at Mt. Shasta. This is 44 years ago now and I was only 32 then when I discovered amazingly my present writing style one day. 

At the time I was trying to heal myself from traumas like Whooping cough at 2 and a concussion while rock climbing with my father at age 9 I believe at Chilao above Los Angeles in the Angeles National Forest there at around 6000 to 7000 feet I believe it is. I was also trying to heal myself from many things that happened in the 1960s from president Kennedy and Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy being assassinated and the Viet Nam War with many boys my age dying and coming back in boxes with flags over them or coming back with PTSD or maimed and on the streets some ever since homeless.

Though I didn't have to go to Viet Nam to fight it still wounded us all because of all our friends that were drafted and died or came back strange or dysfunctional or who eventually killed themselves or their families eventually or both.

So, writing about Arcane and the Galactic Sentience who I had met Soul Traveling around 1970 after Archangel Gabriel gave me Soul Travel as a gift to keep me alive so I could continue to work for God here on earth was a new part of my life here on earth helping people understand who they were actually.

(Even though I really had no idea this is what God was having me do at the time). Because I didn't understand yet that a being could remember the future as well as the past millions of years into the future and the past yet.

I hadn't evolved that far yet and didn't until I was about 50 years old and was facing my own death which was a lot to deal with from 1998 and 1999 and ever since then.

By God's Grace 

Later after I evolved from almost dying for 9 months from fall of 1998 to May of 1999 I realized as a soul we can (potentially) remember millions of years of incarnations in the past and future and present here on earth and other places too (mostly other planets or inside of Stars as plasma beings who have similar or the same souls as we do as humans. So, there is entire evolution of beings evolving inside of stars like we do here on earth as plasma beings inside of Stars throughout this galaxy and in galaxies throughout the physical universe. In fact, in our galaxy plasma beings are far more numerous than humanoids like us who live on earth and on nearby planets in this solar system and beyond.

So, with my understanding that I was not only writing about the past here on earth but on the future of earth from now to at least 1 million years into the future I realized that it might be helpful for people to read what I'm writing about.

But, I didn't fully realize what I was writing (partly but not fully) until 1998 and 1999 until I was preparing to die of a heart virus then.

So, at this point I realized I needed to publish a lot of what I had written online so more people could (See at least these aspects of the future of the human race both here and on other planets as well.

And also to learn about the plasma beings who live inside of Stars like living lightning bolts maybe who thrive there like we still do here on earth. However, when I look into the future I see we are at least 7 billion less people than now by 2100 AD. So, I think it is either the Global Climate changes or AI that does this or a combination of both.

It doesn't make me happy to see this century when I look forward but at least the human race is likely to survive this century only with 1/8 of the present level of human beings present here on earth.

So, preparing yourselves and your families to survive something like this is no laughing matter because only the most intuitive, logical, rational and physically active people will tend to survive this century.

However, maybe it has always been this way for hundreds of thousands of years already or more.

by God's Grace

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