Friday, April 20, 2018

Would you feel safe if your Apple computer drove you to work?

I wouldn't. Why?

Because I wouldn't because I have actually done computer programming before.

Have you ever tried to debug a computer program?

It can take days, weeks or even years (when I started programming in the 1960s).

Yes. it's different these days and Apple computer crash less than PCs do generally speaking still.

But, I still wouldn't want my apple computer to drive me to work.

Which is why I'm not thrilled about AI ever driving me anywhere still.

People who have never programmed anything or seen the kinds of errors Artificial intelligence can actually make likely wouldn't want AI in a self driving Vehicle to drive them to work either.

It's people with no back ground in computer technology that think everything is going to be just fine.

Well. It isn't. And won't be for a long long time like maybe 25 to 50 years and even then if self driving car makers slip one by the government thousands could die and carmakers might bribe Senators and Congressmen and women to take away all their liability in Bills they pass.

So, if you think everything is just going to be fine you know nothing about software or hardware.

It's sort of like piling up Jenga Blocks three times as high as a normal jenga then every few months take a jenga piece out for any self driving vehicle you have. Within 1 year or a little more something bad is likely to happen given software and hardware the way it is not perfect.

Is there ANY perfect hardware? NO.

Is there Any perfect software? NO.

And even if there was all software corrupts over time through use.

Software and hardware interacting perfectly doesn't last for 1000 different reasons. Hardware can fail or software can fail or decisions can be improper like the one that killed the Arizona lady pushing her bike across the street.

One system saw her and said "Stop" but another system (program) over ruled that system and the lady died.

This is the kind of situation you should expect a lot now with self driving vehicles on going.

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