Thursday, December 4, 2008

Everything is Peed on

I was out in the forest near my home just starting to play fetch with my daughter's corgi dog. I also have a German shepard, Australian Shepard mix but he's 9 now and isn't interested in fetching much anymore just smelling everything.

Anyway, I was picking up a stick and smelling it to make sure it didn't have anything on it when my daughter's corgi said mind to mind, "Everything's peed on." This was the first clear telepathic conversation with her I could remember even though I have raised her with my daughter and wife since I could hold her in one hand because she was such a small little furball. She has always been a total love doggy and would always to anything for love. Sometimes, because I'm a man I call her silly. But then females have always seemed silly to men when they are doing anything to get a man's attention. Over time I have gotten used to my daughter's corgi. I prefer a big dog myself. Since I walk where they are always mountain lions, raccoons, deer and once in a great while bear I prefer a dog with me because mostly I walk alone since my son is a junior in a southern california university. A dog can warn me of some animal or person that could be a potential problem on the trail.

But I guess it was that she saw me smell this stick because it was a little close to some droppings and I wanted to make sure it was clean enough to throw for my daughter's dog.

Then I started to think about what she had said because what she said wasn't just everything is peed on she put a picture in my mind that everything she or my other dog smell outside has been peed on by something in the last few months. I started to think about this and realized my daughter's dog was right. Everything is peed on only most humans likely couldn't smell it. It's in all water sources and on every bit of land everywhere I can think of where there are birds, insects, animals, fish etc. This doesn't make the water we drink unsafe or the food we eat unsafe it just means that this is a fact of life all over the earth and since we don't have the excellent noses that dogs do (or their ears) we don't tend to think of such things.

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