Friday, March 24, 2017

Easter in my 20s

One Easter in my 20s I went to Lake Shrine with my friend from Mt. Shasta, his girlfriend and a lady we met and her 3 year old daughter. At the time we were all in our early 20s and then I drove home later that day to Rancho Bernardo where Saint Germain converted me into one of his bodies upon earth.

This might be difficult for some people to imagine but my complete perception of reality changed permanently that day. My inner sight opened up from a direct experience with Saint Germain. And so very likely I began to remember his previous lifetimes as my own because this is what Saint Germain wanted. I likely was chosen to be a Saint Germain initiate from before my birth in this lifetime. I was tested to near death many times in my 20s to survive to my 30s as an initiate on the path to full enlightenment.

When he appeared to me in real life it was so powerful I fainted. When I awoke about an hour or two later I realized my whole brain had literally been reprogrammed to be like Saint Germain's which was beyond anything I had ever imagined before. I began to be aware of things in the past, present and future and of things happening in real time all over the planet that God wanted me to know about.

So, in this way I would be able to help mankind in a way that would have been previously completely unimaginable before to me. This isn't very easy for many to understand but I write it for those who have had or will have similar experiences now or in the future or already have who this will help.

As the years have gone by I understand more now how life must test us all in this way.

"When much is given much is expected"

This would be one of the ways to put this.

So, if they were going to put into me this much effort they expected things from me in return.

It's sort of like when your parents invest their life force into raising you as a good person into adulthood, they expect you to help yourself and the world around you as much as you can.

Likewise, when beings like Jesus and Saint Germain and others invest their time and life force into making you a good person they expect a return on their investment into your being a good person.

So, my memories of Saint Germain's lifetimes began on Easter in the 1970s after going to lake Shrine Los Angeles on the lake which is Yogananda's place for Easter with my friends that year.

By God's Grace

So, now experiencing the past, present and future regarding many of the people I see or meet or even think about is a normal and useful experience for me.

If I know my past lives with people I know better what my karmic relationship is with them good, bad or neutral before they even say a word to me.

Also, it helps because I can just think about a person and know their motivations towards me or anyone else and act accordingly.

By God's Grace

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