Sunday, March 12, 2017

What is popular at this site?

As a blogger when I first started this blog and first started looking at my "Stats" or statistics pages I was pretty surprised at first by it. I would have thought my readers would be reading mostly much different things than they were.

Especially when you have a world wide audience like you can with a site like this one you likely cannot predict what people can read because they are so diverse. Their religions likely are diverse or their lack of religions could be diverse, their educations might span the gamut etc.

So, your predictions of what people are going to choose to read or what they might be interested in or even what they are going to send viral likely can't be predicted in any real way.

So, after being sort of caught off guard and getting used to the idea I realized I could give people what they want at this site if it also agrees with what I'm interested in. That doesn't mean I don't write things I think are really important but what it does mean is that not everyone on earth is me.

So, people are going to be coming from a lot of different places to this site because after all I'm writing in English (even though I put a Google Translator on this site too which will change the whole page you are looking at to another language if you wish. Usually a back click with your mouse from your first click into a language can take you back to English also if you wish.

However, you can't expect mostly over about 70% accuracy for sure in any language you translate this site into. For example, in French there is the word  il which means "It or usually "He". So, when I tried to translate things about the Comte de Saint Germain I found out the robot translator really screwed up by often putting "it" instead of "he" so this confused a lot of what was being translated, not in a way that was impossible to decipher but this is only one of many problems you will find when you translate English to another language or another language into Enlish.

But, since the Comte de Saint Germain often lived in or near Paris historically there is much more information online about him historically in French for example, than in English so therefore translating from French to English might be useful.

And the same is true in other subjects as well where the person or incident actually happened there historically. So, you will get a much different take on things hearing it from another language translated directly into English in many different situations.

Also, different languages emphasize things in different ways which we might not go into in English and vice Versa.

So, as you expand your horizons of knowledge by becoming more a person of the word through reading and actually going places and meeting people there, the whole world becomes a much more rich and diverse place than you ever imagined before.

Anyway back to the main topic of this article:

What I'm trying to do lately is to give you the most popular articles of the day and week read worldwide in addition to the ones at the top of the page which are the most popular articles of the month.

And also, to your left are the most popular articles of all time since this blog was first created.

All Time and Month don't change very fast but daily and weekly most popular are changing very fast.

So, this helps you have many more articles to see what people are interested in at this site around the world.

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