Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Back to Shasta

If you were wondering what happened to me we had to move my older daughter's things from a horse ranch out in the country to a storage facility nearer to Portland. But, I didn't realize just how much stuff she had or how many crystal goblets or plates that had to be individually wrapped in paper and things like that. She is going back to college in Portland in the fall after studying overseas until last February. So then, it took much longer to move everything then the traffic hit Portland and then we knew we would have to finish this morning. But, our plan was to drive to Ashland and to drop a friend helping us move at his house in Ashland on our way to Mt. Shasta and points south. So, because my daughter didn't want me to lift heavy things because of my hernia (even though I have a weight lifting belt I use to be safer), I was the least physically exhausted after we finished about 11 am this morning so I decided to drive us south to Ashland and I did. But, that is a 5 to 6 hour drive Or more depending upon traffic which wasn't really too bad today even though I think we are starting to see a lot of people vacationing now on the roads because Summer Soltice (longest day of the Year in the Northern Hemisphere) is June 21st. So, anyway I drove to Ashland to my daughter's friends home and she drove the rest of the way to Mt. Shasta, I had dinner with friends in town and now I think all I have left mostly is to crawl into bed and rest and to finish writing this. But, then again you never know what I might get interested in before I fall asleep(whenever that is).

The biggest change for us was coming from low to high 60s Fahrenheit in portland to very high 70s in Ashland
and Medford of 78 or 79.

But, get this in regard to Redding
91 tomorrow thursday
96 Friday
101 Saturday
107 Sunday
109 Monday

That's crazy hot as it builds there next door to Mt. Shasta about 60 miles away!

But, Portland was still cloudy and relatively cool when we left today somewhere in the mid 60s.

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