Sunday, September 10, 2017

An Intuitive's perspective of Harvey and Irma and maybe Jose: the hurricanes from a karmic perspective

If you understand group karma, national karma and world karma which likely would go back as far as mankind is concerned to where we first began here on earth, we have a relationship with earth and wind and fire and air and everything else living here with us.

From that perspective then you have anger of people on earth regarding almost anything, overpopulation, not enough resources, not enough money, etc. for most people and on and on and on. Then you have nature being upset with species going extinct caused by mankind being overpopulated here one earth. Then you have the 6th Great extinction caused primarily by mankind the last 500 plus years and counting.

So, from my perspective the really good thing about Harvey and Irma was there was a minimum loss of life. It could have been a war working out all the hatred of mankind towards mankind and all the anger of nature towards man for destroying everything nature built for thousands of years.

But, mercifully instead of this karma manifesting as a war that kills millions of people(so far at least)there has been a minimum loss of life in Harvey and Irma and Jose and in the 8.1 earthquake in Mexico that killed at least 100 people so far. So, instead of millions and millions of death so far in warfare we will have millions of people going bankrupt instead. And we likely will have millions of walking wounded with psychological problems having gone through this as well. So, at least they can start over once again and they still have their lives and all or most of their children still alive.

By God's Grace

So, I would say the way this karma  manifested was about 10 million times easier so far than it could have been. And for that we should all be very grateful.

An easy way to learn to be grateful is to compare this to having a nuclear war wtih North Korea where 25 to 50 million people died. This way you see how to be grateful it was no worse than it was:

"At least so far".

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