Saturday, March 30, 2019

Are our bodies and Earth and the Stars and Galaxies real?

People have debated this sort of thing for thousands of years likely back before Ancient Greece and Pythagorus and Aristotle and Plato and Socrates. But, in the end most people assume that human bodies and Earth and sky and stars and oceans and rivers and lakes are real, because otherwise, your body dies because you are not caring for it and that might be pretty painful wouldn't it?

This is one of the things I found out about Soul Traveling in my early 20s. I realized that God had given me this body here on earth sort of like a remarkable car to drive all over earth with. But, if I didn't feed it and exercise it and think useful thoughts that it was going to die.

So, though you can learn all sorts of amazing things by soul traveling it can also cost you your life, just as sure as surfing 10 foot to 100 foot waves in the ocean has cost hundreds of people's lives over the years.

So, thinking about what is useful and practical for you to do is likely the most important thing to do IF you ever want to be 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 like me now.

So, somehow I made it from youthful idealism and anger and cynicism to being a compassionate pragmatist.

In other words I have chosen to be as kind as I can be to all others including myself and still survive well all the time and raise my children and start businesses to support them and maintain them ongoing. This was my choice. Others of course make different choices every single day.

By God's Grace

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