Monday, June 3, 2024

adult male buffalo and Buffalo Cows with babies do NOT run away from humans?

 Why is this true?

They are herd animals and the male of the herd animals often do not run away especially the adult males who will turn on humans if they get to close. There are at least 2 animals that behave like this:

A mountain lion

A Grizzly bear

Both of these might not run away from you. But most other animals might not want to be around you or other human beings for a variety of reasons.

However, if you get too close to a male bison or female with a baby or two, just expect to be gored.

But, being gored isn't the worst of it. If they can they won't just gore a person they will stomp their chest or head with their front hooves. 

Though you might not believe this Deer (especially mother deer) with babies will also poke holes in anyone too near their babies. yes. Their first choice is to run away but if they don't feel they can do this they will attack with their razor sharp front hooves or with Antlers if they have antlers too.

However, more people are killed by Buffalo every year than any other animal in the U.S.

Understanding this, you might respect a Buffalo more if you know this.

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