Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 Believing in Angels and inviting them into your life is an important survival Strategy. I personally think the only real reason I have been alive since I first saw the angels at age 2 was my association with angels. Nothing else likely would have kept me alive that I presently know of.

Praying also keeps you and your family alive. When I was young the people in my church did what is called Dynamic prayers to create positive outcomes in their lives and people's lives all over the world. This sort of thing is very powerful as long as it is used in the right way in a positive direction. 

There was an experience that I had once with another church when I was about 30 years old in Malibu Canyon then and they were invoking very powerful things and then someone got off track and directed in a really bad direction. I knew what they had done wrong was really seriously bad from an intuitive's perspective and so I stopped the bad prayer they were doing because I knew there likely could be immediate physical bad repercussions. It was mostly a judgemental person at the pulpit who was very inexperienced dealing with superpowerful prayers. 

There was also a forest fire headed our way at that time. So, my father and I prayed that the 30 to 50 foot high flames did not come onto the property we were on. So, by praying like we did up on a hill watching the fire come towards us at 50 feet high and setting Eucalyptus Trees on fire which were exploding one by one we stayed back so shards of exploding eucalyptus didn't go through us like spears. However, we held our ground doing dynamic prayers to keep the fires off the church property there in Malibu canyon.

We were successful in this because the fire only burned the fence along the edge of the church estate which was about several hundred acres and the fence burned and the trees outside the fence burned but our prayers were able to keep the fires off the main property of the church.

So, be careful when inexperienced Judgemental people make prayers using God's energies that are not good in intent so these kinds of situations don't arise that need specific prayers for property and people to survive.

Angels are helpful in sharing with us what to do in literally every situation if we will listen to them.

This was one of the times when we listened to them while people were panicking all around us we stayed calm and with the angels and invoked them to save the church property we were on then and to save the lives of everyone on this large acreage.

Luckily outside of the Eucalyptus trees and fences along the property line no cars or vehicles burned up on the property at all and this fire burned all the way down Malibu Canyon to the Sea instead.

By God's Grace with his angels helping us too.

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