Saturday, June 8, 2024

Blogging while Flying

One of the more interesting things to do (except for looking out the window and watching movies while traveling on a plane is to blog while flying like now. We are presently flying towards California south of Albuquerque still in west Texas last I checked. I also know we fly directly over Tucson, Arizona as well. I can only remember driving through Tucson once in my life because normally I drive through Flagstaff and Winslow and  Albuquerque on the way to Santa Fe because I have been there a lot in my life.

Finally landed in San Diego for the next leg of our flights. We would have liked to fly direct from somewhere like San Jose Airport or even San Francisco Airport but still couldn't find a direct flight without using either Phoenix or San Diego as a hub for what we wanted to do.

However, the first time you fly to a city often there are many things you need to know.

For example, Texas drivers are pretty dangerous. However, Los Angeles and San Diego Drivers are pretty dangerous too just in a completely different way.

For example, in Southern California (because there are 25 million people between Santa Barbara and San Diego drivers will drive literally 2 feet off of your front and rear bumper. If you aren't used to this style of driving it could be very horrifying.

Whereas in Texas basically anything goes so my wife got so scared of someone almost hitting her that she wouldn't drive the rental car for 24 hours.

I don't know what to say about this but all places have crazy drivers. However, there are likely many more armed drivers in Texas than even California.

So, if you are driving in California or Texas be polite as a driver or else someone is liable to shoot you in road rage.

For example, in South Korea guns aren't allowed mostly. So, what happens is the bigger the vehicle the more likely it will drive you off the road simply because you can't legally have a gun to defend yourself.

I first learned about this in India and Nepal where bigger vehicles often forced smaller vehicles off the road. I even watched a motorcycle being pushed off a road by a big truck into trees into the woods.

So, drivers are crazy all over the world just in different ways in different places. This is what I have found.

So, if you aren't prepared basically for ANYTHING, don't drive in cities you haven't driven in before if you want to stay safe and alive.

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