Thursday, June 6, 2024

Celibacy is sort of like deciding not to eat or poop anymore for most people

In other words it really doesn't work. I was raised in a religion (in some ways like the Shakers) but where are those Shakers now? All gone and dead long ago (even though they left whole lot of nice furniture behind. Why? One word: Celibacy killed all the Shakers and their religion.

Why are people choosing not to have sex now. I saw a young man with a t-shirt or pull over which said, "Love Yourself".

When I grew up this meant something different that didn't have anything to do with sex at all. However, now I find this statement means "having sex with yourself alone" or these days: Watching pornography online while having sex with yourself. Or having sex with yourself along while talking to someone on the phone close or far away that you have maybe some feelings for.

And younger people are into Swiping left or right or whatever it is deciding who to date (for a night?).

Or Groups that say things like "ONLY Christians" or ONLY Buddhists or ONLY Farmers or something like that. So, the world is changing in strange ways. My step son met his wife online. My own son met his wife online in S. Korea. I know some people who did things like get a mail order bride from the Philippines for example. And one of them is still married 30 years later with 3 grown kids.

There are many ways to live your life I guess. But, finding a way forward that will work into your 40s, 50s and beyond is another story. I finally met the lady I'm married to now at age 47 after being married twice before. My present wife and I will have been together since 1994 in December and married since 1995.

Everyone has to find their own way forward. I don't do well alone I know and so I'm happy to find someone I'm happy with as a friend especially now.

Yes. It's important to love someone but even more important than loving someone you need to like them and be good friends watching each other's backs. Friendship and loyalty and honor actually are even more important than what many people call love.

So, from my point of view (especially for people under 40 or 50) celibacy is sort of like deciding you are going to stop eating food and drinking water and pooping. This is my experience regarding celibacy.

In other words it is the opposite of being practical for 90% of the people on earth under 50 years old.

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