Friday, June 21, 2024

Christian Nationalism and Political Correctness are going to get thousands of people killed in the next few years!

The problem at this point is it doesn't really matter who is elected as president now. The die is cast and many many people are likely going to die in this. I was listening to a Christian Nationalist talk on CNN today and I realized just how bad it is really getting. But, Christian Nationalism is Fascist AND Political Correctness is Fascist and in their own strange ways both are Nazi like in what they demand from any democracy.

So, both Political Correctness  and  Christian Nationalism (the way things presently look) are going to get thousands to millions of people killed during the next few years likely starting around election day this November and at least until the next president (whoever he is) is sworn in. And this isn't just in the U.S. this is also worldwide. So, I think arming yourself not necessarily with Guns but with wisdom and knowledge is a good thing and knowing where not to be when thousands are going to die is a good thing too because your family won't be killed in one of these massacres of civilians here on earth. Because this is going to happen likely in All democracies at one point or another caused by Global Climate changes.

The likelihood of Trump or Biden being Assassinated (or even both of them) is very high right now too.

I'm speaking as a life long precognitive psychic.

However, I've also learned if I tell people what I see sometimes problems can be averted if enough of the right people prepare for whatever the problem is that is coming.

What I presently see is horrific and it likely is going to happen no matter who is president for a variety of reasons. The dangerous time is the next 10 years here in the U.S. regarding the U.S. and all Democracies on earth.

The primary cause of this problem:

Global Climate changes are making people really really crazy all over the world. And as more and more people die in all sorts of weather events they will get much crazier than now.

It reminds me of World War II all over again in some ways. The actual effects of a lot of this look almost exactly like World War II worldwide regarding all democracies being pit against totalitarian states like China and Russia and North Korea while using AI weapons not even understood or thought of by people of today.

Whole Cities could be wiped out by missiles or drones. If you watch the wars in Ukraine and Gaza this might come to your city or town too and everyone wiped out by killer drones and missiles. 

So, preparing for this might be important. However, "He who lives by the gun often dies by the gun".

Owning a gun just means someone may steal yours and then kill you with it. This happens to many policemen every year when a criminal grabs their gun and kills them with it.

So, leaving when people are shooting or not being there when shooting occurs is often the best policy and way to keep your family and friends from dying in this.

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