Saturday, June 22, 2024

Could you be putting yourself or others out of a job by Beta Testing AI software at home on your computer or IPhone? Yes

However, the caveat here is that if you are sophisticated enough to converse with AI to begin with either by texting or verbally then you are in a special class of person worldwide. This is important to understand.

So, the jobs lost primarily are going to be by people who have no experience with computers or Internet much already, not the people who are beta Testing AI software like you and I. Because many of the barriers to using AI are gone in more educated people.

However, less educated people are more likely to destroy all computer equipment at some time in the future which could send us all back to the stone age too literally. Because imagine your life without cell phones, smartphones, Iphones, Ipads etc.?

Because we might not have land lines anymore at that point it could easily end civilization for many or most people at that point. So, having skills I learned in the 1950s and 1960s before all this might be extremely helpful in a physical survival sense if the lower classes destroyed all technology because it stole their jobs.

You might not think this could happen but it easily could within 10 to 20 years from now starting in places like India and Pakistan and then throughout Asia and moving around the world.

Why India? Because there are likely more uneducated people there (even 1st Grade) than most other places on earth. The people who have lost their jobs, their livelihoods would be the first to destroy or Blow up things like Computer Servers that run the Internet and GPS phone systems worldwide now.


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