Saturday, June 22, 2024

This map will show you where the problems of the destruction of Servers and other computer equipment or robots could occur first:


 The countries in Light blue or dark blue which are countries like The U.S., Canada, Europe, Russia, Australia and a few others are the least likely to have their computer infrastructures destroyed by rioting or wars in the next 25 years. However, the countries with no data or in Yellow or red could tend to have the most problems of people destroying technology when it steals their jobs through AI and robots.

What is interesting to me is that China is one of those relatively uneducated countries that might have these problems of people losing jobs and destroying the computers and robots that have taken their jobs at some point in the future. China has an upper middle class of around 300 to 500 million people but also over 300 to 500 million people who are relatively uneducated too which will be a problem for them in surviving this century technologically. So, unless China does a better job educating their people they could really be in for it in the next 25 years as people rebel and destroy technology that is destroying their jobs. And likely the same is true of India as well.

begin partial quote from:

Years of compulsory education or compulsory schooling around the world in 2021
  No data

Compulsory education refers to a period of education that is required of all people and is imposed by the government. This education may take place at a registered school or at other places.

Compulsory school attendance or compulsory

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