Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Death Valley likely to hit 120 degrees Fahrenheit by Thursday

 begin partial quote from: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/03/weather/california-heat-dome-wildfires-west-climate/index.html

Sacramento is forecast to hit triple digits Tuesday for the first time this year. California’s capital typically hits this threshold in early June, but last year it didn’t happen until the end of the month.

Triple-digit temperatures will become widespread in the Central Valley Wednesday and stick around into the weekend. Conditions will also sizzle in Southern California’s desert regions.

Death Valley, the hottest place in the world, is likely to reach a high temperature of at least 120 degrees by Thursday. Even the brutal desert landscape doesn’t typically get this hot until mid-to-late June.

The Southwest will start to bake by Wednesday as temperatures in parts of southern Arizona and far southern Nevada approach 110 degrees.

Phoenix will likely have hit 110 degrees for the first time this year by Thursday even though the city doesn’t typically encounter these temperatures until mid-June. High temperatures are forecast to climb into the low 110s in Las Vegas, more than three weeks earlier than the city typically exceeds this threshold. 

end quote.

It's interesting some of the differences this year in the weather of how the heat is about  2 or three weeks earlier than normal in the entire west of the U.S. It's very surprising that Death Valley is hitting 120 degrees by Thursday. The 120 to 130 degree range typically doesn't hit until July through September sometime. So, the concern it many animals without air conditioning hopefully can get enough water or dig holes in the ground to stay cool enough this season. People need to be really careful all over too or they will have big problems this year. We likely could lose many homeless people around the country this summer and around the whole world for that matter.

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