Monday, June 17, 2024

don't buy a house in the deserts somewhere in the U.S. because soon there will be no water available

If you study climate science you can see this is pretty inevitable. I recently was telling my son in law who wanted to invest in property not to buy property anywhere in the deserts of California, Arizona, Nevada or New Mexico or even far western Texas because soon there will be no water to drink or to do anything with at all. 

Places like San Antonio Texas and east of there likely will be flooded over and over again like Houston and further East has experienced this year and Miami is underwater right now as I write this. 

However, from about Palm springs to San Antonio there will soon be no water and unless you want to be hauling water from the Colorado River in California or futher and paying for trucks to haul this water long long distances it just isn't practical anymore to live between about Palm Springs and San Antonio Texas because soon all the underground water will have been pumped dry with nothing left anywhere to use in those locations.

So, unless you plan ahead where you buy property where at least there will be rain or snow likely coming ongoing you will be left with land with no water at all to drink or use for anything during Global Climate changes.

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