Monday, June 10, 2024

Francis Bacon & His Contemporaries

 begin quote from:

Francis Bacon & His Contemporaries

I have been induced to think, that if there were a Beam of Knowledge derived from God upon any man in these modern times, it was upon him (Bacon): for though he was a great reader of books, yet he had not his knowledge from books, but from some grounds and notions within himself. --Dr. William Rawley , Bacon's Chaplain, Secretary & Confidant

Standing at left: William Camden, Sackville (Earl of Dorset), John Fletcher.
Seated at left: Josuah Sylvester, John Selden, Francis Beaumont, Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson, John Donne, Willy Shakspere.
Standing at right: Walter Raleigh, Henry Wriothesley (Third Earl of Southampton).
Seated at right: Robert Cotton, Thomas Dekker.


Special thanks to Waldron for the image.

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see : Francis Bacon's Friends And Associates




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