Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Gratitude to have air conditioning in 116 degrees heat index in San Antonio, Texas

Before we left the SF Bay area to visit our daughter in Austin, Texas and a childhood friend and his wife of my wife's we were very worried especially about my surviving the heat, especially taking diuretics because that can be very tricky to survive. I finally realized that the best way was to sacrifice some sleep by taking my diuretic after around 9 pm even though this would mean getting up a lot at night to visit the rest room. I finally had my first good nights sleep doing this since we arrived in Texas last Thursday last night so I was very grateful for this.

Yesterdays 116 degree heat index in San Antonio Texas was a little bit much for me but we survived it in the end by mostly spending a lot of the day inside air conditioning in Buildings and Cars along the way. By 4 pm it was 107 degrees and 116 heat index and people were literally melting all over the place. I was especially scared and worried for any homeless people that I saw out in this as they might not survive this or be in the hospital soon. And this isn't just true here because New Delhi got 117 degrees recently and that really would be hell for poorer people there too, especially probably about 70 percent of the people in India who might not have air conditioning to survive something like that.

Today our hosts say it's a little cooler outside so that would be good. Being here is an amazing experience though even though it's incredibly hot during the day. I have never been to Texas before mainly because until my daughter moved here to Austin I had no relatives here before this. And the people we visited in Boerne, Texas near San Antonio are a friend of my wife's from high school and his wife here in Boerne. 

By taking a new diuretic called sometimes Bumex I'm losing 6 pounds of water weight every night during sleep time and gaining those pounds back during the day drinking enough water to survive the heat. But, at least so far this is working okay but it is hard on getting enough sleep except for last night.

But, the alternative for me likely would be a hospital or death in heat like this. So, I'm okay if it keeps me alive while in the heat in Texas until I get back to the California coast where it is often cloudy or foggy and under 70 degrees this time of year.

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