Friday, June 7, 2024

How can non-physical beings who don't need air or water or Earth food build Galaxies?

 Our Soul species predates all galaxies. We invented Galaxies in order to have more children by creating matter galaxies joined to antimatter galaxies by the Black Hole in the center. Why did our species of Soul Beings do this?

Because food (energy) was dispersed throughout vast quantities of space and because we needed more energy for food than we could easily get because of vastness of Space.

So, we as a soul Species invented Galaxies likely by accident one day. After one of us did this we went "Wow!" that's a revelation!

Now we can live near the Black Hole where energy is converted from one form to another.

Another theory I have about our soul species is that we often wear Suns or Stars like bodies. Why?

Because we can be near our food source and our body which becomes the sun. IT's a similar relationship that humans have to their physical bodies. They are not their body but the body is a covenant that our soul species makes with a planet that we live on. So, we live in bodies created by the living being planet that we live on in order to do service for the planet that we live on. The planet usually eventually kills bodies and won't let people live in them anymore when they break this covenant. Most people don't know this. So, if you don't love this planet and make friends with it often you are soon suffering or dead one of the two.

This is sort of how it all works. To live on a planet in a human body you need to do service for the planet you live on in some way that actually helps mother earth. If you don't you are soon gone or suffering because you broke the covenant you made to be born here in the first place.

Understanding our planet is alive and sentient and wants to have a relationship with us is important in order to stay alive in a body at all here on earth.

Your relationship with earth is in some ways similar to your relationship with the God of the entire universe of millions or Billions of Galaxies. Both those relationships decide whether you live or die on any given day.

By God's Grace

NOTE: I realized above I didn't really answer the question in my title. One reason is that the physics of this is something I never learned about in School or at the University. In other words, the physics is of a non-matter being who can live inside matter bodies like we do.

So, the best way I can illustrate this is if you study about Zeus and Hera and Hercules OR Odin and Thor and that whole pantheon because they are similar. But, the physics of how all this works likely hasn't been studied before here on earth.

Imagine if a species came to earth and was not physical in nature. How would they understand the physics of earth if they were not physical like our Soul Species is throughout the universe?

To the best of my knowledge different Soul Families create and maintain their galaxies like a farm or a ranch would be maintained here on earth. So, it is like a house or a ranch or a farm more than anything else. Though we have democracies here on earth this isn't how the galaxy is run likely at all.

There is no real government as we know it and instead a ranch? Manager which is usually a descendant of the creator of that galaxy is chosen as time moves on.

We have governments on earth but to call the Galaxy a government wouldn't be useful in this context unless you compared the leader to a king or a queen who has basically infinite powers to do anything to protect and to maintain that galaxy just like a farm or a ranch here on earth.

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