Monday, June 10, 2024

I had wondered about this for some time but realized today what period of time my Most read articles links are from

Today, I read the fine print and what these links are means that these are the most read articles in the last 7 days time. That's why they are so different often from the ones at the top of the page because those are the things read the most over the previous 30 days. So, the most read articles that I usually publish every 7 days or so when I can are just regarding the most things read in the last 7 days. However, what is really interesting to me is that last month  222,456 people visited this site or at least those that visited  visited this site a total of that amount of times. if I extrapolate this potentially means that I might be up to 

2,669,472  visits per year at this site if I am able to extrapolate from this monthly figure. I think this is the most people visiting my site in a single month so far even though I had over 1 million and likely much more people visiting my site in 2017 as well.

If you want people to visit your site you have to give them what they want to read. So, what I do is I have a lot of interests so I give people things often where my interests intersect with other people. I'm about the human race not going extinct this century or the next the most. So, preserving democracy on earth is one way to do this because I believe the planet's governments will all be destroyed otherwise given human nature where if everyone is suffering with bad governments someone or some group or groups will destroy the capacity for any human to survive on earth. Without Hope ALL the People Perish!

Here is my last Most read articles Links page from June 7th. The next one should be somewhere around June 14th if I am able to do that. However, I likely will be somewhere traveling in California or Oregon then.

By the Way Thanks for Visiting Intuitivefred888! 

 Most read articles as of Friday June 7th 2024

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