Monday, June 17, 2024

I have been very lucky so far regarding my health

 Most people would have died multiple times with my health history since 1998. However, my wife has a master's degree in Business specializing in Non-Profits and has become my medical Advocate since we married in 1995 when I was 47. The first thing she did was to insist I have full medical coverage which was really expensive until I could get on Medicare. By the time I was 64 years old (one year before Medicare) I was paying 1800 dollars a month then likely in 2013 for full medical coverage. So, I can see how so many people die or go bankrupt between the ages of 50 and 64 before they can go on Medicare when they have health problems.

But, my wife and family have been very helpful to me at every stage and my friends too. So, I give thanks to God and to my family and friends for finding ways to keep me alive and I'm still alive and kicking at age 76 now today. Amazing!

Almost every day I wake up amazed to still be here after all the near death experiences I have had since 1998.

But, I must say that my ability to not panic when I think I am dying and talking to the angels who surround me is the main reason I'm still alive along with my wife who is my medical advocate who is also someone who lives with the angels always.

So, I'm very grateful for the thousands of Angels or more that surround my wife and I always and help and protect us so they and we can help more people here on earth.

By God's Grace

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