Monday, June 17, 2024

Living with the Angels

 Recently I was putting all this in perspective when I realized that my mother and my Scottish Grandmother who spoke with a Scottish Brogue also always lived with God's  Angels too.

This has become very clear to me lately. Even my first memory of Angels in this lifetime with a memory like we all share back pretty far was the first clear memory of this lifetime for me of my grandmother singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" while rocking me while I coughed from whooping cough on her lap in a 1940s style soft covered rocking chair that looks something a little like a lazy boy Chair today only a stuffed rocking Chair.

She invoked the angels to save my life then which they did in a ball of white fire that enveloped the whole room.

and ever since then I have lived with the angels even when I thought (erroneously) that God was trying to kill me from age 10 to 15 from a concussion with sometimes night time seizures which were like being murdered each time I had one at night in the middle of a nightmare.

However, then this same concussion and seizures protected me from being drafted and fighting in Viet Nam and dying or being maimed there too which is why i understand how God works in mysterious ways Always.

So, what was killing me literally from ages 10 to 15 was also saving my life from 18 to 26 which is the normal draft ages then for young soldiers right out of high school. I watched many men my age go and die within a couple of weeks there or go as boys and return as basically monsters incapable of functioning unless they lived in the wilderness alone.

So, in this sense God protected me from all that PTSD or death or maiming stuff by almost killing me for 5 years from ages 10 to 15 years of age instead.

Finally out of desperation so I wouldn't die I invoked God through dynamic Prayer to directly livein my body with me which he did and still is doing this.

So, this made my body a LIVING TEMPLE OF GOD on earth ever since that Angels can fly into and out of through my heart ever since.

Though I had a lot of trouble surviving this from ages 15 to 30 years of age by age 30 I had grown into this and realized that I had become a blessing to all life on earth by allowing God and his Angels to always work through me 24 hours a day since I was 15 years old.

By God's Grace

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