Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I have had heat stroke several times in my life

 The first time I was 9 or 10 years old and it was likely around 110 or 115 in Glendale, California. I didn't think much of this at the time as I was used to living in the dry heat of Los Angeles at the time. So, it just seemed like a normal hot day. Several friends of mine and I rode our bikes several miles to what we called G Hill because it had a big G in white powder of some kind that Glendale High School kept there like many high schools around the country keep their first letters on a mountain nearby too.

So, we all rode our bikes to G Hill to play up there and there was a big eucalyptus tree with a big tree house built in it on the top of the hill and the tree house also had an elevator so it was a pretty cool Tree house. Well, we were playing up there about 3 to 5 of us boys and all of a sudden I saw only yellow and what like a yellow camera filter had been placed over my eyes. I got scared and ran and got my bicycle and rode as fast as I could all the way home several miles away in a panic. 

Likely the wind through my hair reduced the temperature of my brain at least so I didn't die. But, I had a bad headache and I was in bed for three days throwing up and sick until I started to recover again. But, I cooled down in time and didn't die far away from my family likely around 1958 when I was 10 years old in Glendale, California when I was going to Horace Mann Grade school there.

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