Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I try to write a little every day

It's a skill like writing songs and lyrics or doing art of one kind or another. So, it's good to keep everything connected from your brain out through your fingertips typing on a computer or however you prefer to write. So, every day I try to write a little which is in some ways sort of a journal of sorts in my blog here so I can go back now to fall of 2007 and I have a journal of what was happening in my life and all that. Also, I can reference more formal writings that are longer also and either leave them as they are or edit them or whatever I want to do with them. So, I suppose it is almost like a public diary of sorts except that I try to be very careful of what I share. If you are going to blog it's a good idea to keep things private as much as possible so you are friendly but protective of yourself, your friends and your family because though most people are good people some people around the world aren't going to be helpful to your ongoing survival as a human being here on earth. So, you have to protect yourself from people not civilized.

So, writing can be great online as long as you are protecting yourself and your families and your friends in the way that you write.

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