Sunday, June 9, 2024

I write about Arcane being Saint Germain: How does this all work?

 Well. The best way I can describe all this is that these are some of the incarnations of Saint Germain:

1. Padmasambhava who is also:

2. Merlin the Magician later in life

3. Michelangelo

4. Francis Bacon

5 Mila Repa

6 Saint Francis of Asisi

 7. Arcane who was born on New Deva a planet  in the future and travels time back to earth present day with the Galactic Time Guard

How does all this reconcile?

I'm not clear about this but I know all that this is true so far.

I can remember studying with Saint Francis of Asisi in Italy. We were childhood friends who fought in battle together on the same side. This battle gave Saint Francis PTSD which created St. Francis of Asisi and many of his friends and mine became monks in his order.

Earlier I remember studying with Mila Repa in Tibet before he became Saint Francis of Asisi in Italy.

One of the interesting things I discovered was by accident as I prepared for my death in 1998 and 1999 from a heart virus. I realized that a soul is much different than I had believed it to be from 1948 to 1998. 

What I found to be true is that souls don't normally inhabit time or space or place at all but ONLY usually inhabit time and space when wearing a human body here on earth.

The best way I can describe a Soul of our Soul Species is an energy being that eats  energy that doesn't need to breathe or eat food like us or drink water or even live on a planet at all but can travel freely throughout the universe. When I discovered this that time is not relevant to a Soul Being I realized that a soul experiences all time and space all at once which is why I can remember future lifetimes because I have already lived all my future lifetimes as a Soul Being from that species that we all already are.

So, when I write of Saint Germain As Arcane in the future, I'm writing about lifetimes already lived in the past, present and future of myself and friend souls.

By God's Grace

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