Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Is it better to give or to loan money?

We have found (especially with relatives and friends) that giving money is the best. Why???

Because often there are hard feelings or feelings of guilt when they cannot afford to pay money back. So, as a family we have decided not to loan money (unless it is a no interest loan) and this is what the person needs at that time for whatever the reason. Other than that we ONLY give people in our family or friends money when they are in emergency situations because life has been good to us so sometimes we can afford to help friends and relatives when they are having family or life emergencies.

So, basically, I would say to everyone: "Don't loan money unless you want problems with the people you loan it too." Because often people borrow money in good faith and then cannot pay it back and get pretty crazy regarding loans. It just isn't worth it.

It's better to just give someone something (if you can) rather than loan it to them because bad things often happen when loan agreements are involved.

Something to think about if you are okay financially.

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