Monday, June 10, 2024

It is interesting in the previous treatise that the author spoke to how Bacon wanted to use Theater to educate the masses

I'm not sure what the formal education of the masses were in Bacon's time but I had some experience with this kind of thing in India and Nepal where there was no compulsory public education and all schools were private schools where you had to pay to go and wear a special uniform then. So, I would say at least 50% to 60% of the people in 1985 and 1986 especially in India had never even been to 1st Grade. This creates an uneducated majority of the people in a country which is something most Americans couldn't even imagine happening in the U.S. at all. I found that the average person I met out in the country (not in the city) had never attended school at all and that women for example (ONLY walked in public when they were about 10 or 12 women in order to prevent them from being raped and often women carried knives for the purpose of protecting themselves too even even out in the country.

Because where do young men learn to be self disciplined enough not to rape women? That's right in the socialization process that happens in formal education from Grade school through High School and College. So, becoming a gentleman around women is not a given thing because otherwise men often become animals without this training.

So, I can see how educating the masses in Bacon's time would be a great undertaking because of the lack then of public education so men for the most part were not gentlemen and were fighting and dying over almost anything especially women and girlfriends more than anything else.

In some ways it's still that way where men kill other men because of girls and women and kill other men because of economic reasons too whether they are legal reasons or illegal reasons it is the same thing in the end. It is about survival from the point of view of the uneducated in societies around the world.

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