Saturday, June 15, 2024

My experience with the Summit Lighthouse(Church Universal and Triumphant)

 I had left the Saint Germain Foundation (likely because I was too progressive for them) to put that mildly.

I was always a free thinker like my father and he had trained me to debate whatever I believed with him starting in 1956 when I was 8 years old. Of course my father was Valedictorian of his High School Class in Lake Forest Park near Seattle too. So, the first thing we disagreed on was Rock and Roll which I loved and he called then "Jungle Bunny Music" so you can imagine what I had to deal with Growing up just from this.

After leaving the "I AM" Activity (Saint Germain Foundation) I felt sort of lost without my International Family of Thousands of people I knew from all over the world that I had met at Conferences in Mt. Shasta, Chicago, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. And sometimes people had come to hear Mrs. Ballard or Anne And Jerry Craig or other speakers that were authorized by Mrs. Ballard while I was growing up too in Los Angeles. Also, my parents ran the "I AM" Sanctuary on Hope Street in Los Angeles from 1953 to 1960 as well. I was 12 in 1960 by the way.

So, in 1969 at age 21 I felt sort of lost without all the people I knew and loved growing up. So, by 1975 I had met Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the Beach in Del Mar California and was introduced by other members of the Summit Lighthouse that I had met at their then Del Mar, California group. Also, the old boyfriend of my wife who was the mother of my son was a member there in Del Mar, California too. He is now an organic Farmer in China and is married to a Chinese lady and has two grown daughters now too.

So, I first got to know Elizabeth Clare Prophet who was the wife of Mark Prophet and who had several children with him. He had passed away already then in 1975 also. Then I went to a Conference that Elizabeth Clare Prophet had in the Mount Shasta Area near Lake Sisikiyou then I believe that year or possibly it was 1976 because that was the year I moved to Mt. Shasta with my wife and baby son. IN 1976 I would be 28 years old then and my wife was likely 25 then and our son had been born in 1974.

So, this conference was the first time I really committed to being a Summit Lighthouse Student and first got the idea of going to a quarter of Summit University in Pasadena California before they bought  Camelot in Malibu Canyon then. I also met the Basketball player that recently died who was with I believe the Portland Trailblazers then too who came to a Camelot Summit Conference during one of those summers then.

So, I entered the Archangel Gabriel and Hope quarter at Summit University in Fall of 1977 which was interesting to me because Archangel Gabriel had come to me when I was 20 to give me Soul Travel as a gift from God and the Angels in 1968. So, it seemed very appropriate at the time. 

So, I went through the Archangel Gabriel and Hope quarter there and my mother joined me. My father wanted to go to but he had to work as he hadn't retired yet. However, my mother was always really an "I AM" Student and mostly did this to support my father and I who were more into the Summit Lighthouse and Elizabeth Clare Prophets teachings at that time.

However, after the Quarter was over I decided to Join their computer department at the University as they had a big mainframe and many dumb terminals and they also got me a part time job at Glendale Hospital then working in their computer department too. Also, my wife then didn't want any part of the Summit Lighthouse because she was into the "I AM" but not the Summit and she considered Elizabeth Clare Prophet a threat to our marriage more than anything else. However, I was never in a relationship with Elizabeth Clare  Prophet even though I knew her fairly well along with my mother and father.

I was given custody of our son and I raised my son by myself with my parents help a lot from age 28 until I was 32 and got remarried to a lady with 2 children from her first marriage too.

However, right then I was looking for a new wife and I met a beautiful blonde haired lady from Florida (sort of a Surfer Girl) type of person. So, I began talking to her at Summit University because she was in the next Quarter after mine while I was working for the Computer department there at Summit University.

However, soon I learned that she was in a terrible fix because she had come out to her roommate as a lesbian. So, since I was very protective of her because I cared for her I knew I needed to protect her from the Anti- Gay stance of the Summit Lighthouse then before they caused her to kill herself.

They prayed against her publicly when her roommate outed her then in likely January to March 1978 then. I took her and moved her off campus to Oceanside to a New York psychologist I knew who was maybe one of the most psychic people I have ever met in my life who helped her and eventually put her on a plane back to Florida before she self destructed.

Then I was given a letter by Elizabeth Clare Prophet that "They cannot have anyone on Staff that believes that they have a direct connection to God!"

I was very complemented by this as it made me realize that I was through with all organized religions likely for the rest of my life. I couldn't abide what had been done to this girl in good conscience and I walked away from being on staff there. However, I did attend a few more conferences in Camelot in Malibu Canyon I just stayed out of the organizational Heart Center of the Religion after that.

So, I wasn't told I couldn't attend conferences just told I couldn't be on Staff that deeply embeded into the Summit Lighthouse Organization(Church Universal and Triumphant). 

Basically, I have never looked back for many reasons because I realized I had outgrown being a member of any church (even though I later studied with medicine Men and Medicine women and Tibetan Lamas in California, Oregon, India and Nepal with my next wife and family after 1980.

So, for me my life has been a very great spiritual evolution from one thing God showed me to the next. Though I can give dictations from the Ascended Masters like Mrs. Ballard and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain has told me specifically not to start another religion because he says that all religions are made obsolete because of Nuclear weapons.

Religion and Nuclear weapons is why Maldek the planet is now an Asteroid belt because our ancestors nuked it out of existence 65 million years ago. And one piece of it hit Yucatan 65 million years ago and killed all the larger dinosaurs.

So, I honor what Saint Germain has told me about how religions here on earth could start an earth killing war. However, even though earth has been blown up many times since 1950 through nukes, the Galaxy won't allow it to stay blown up. The use time travel to prevent what happened on Maldek 65 million years ago. So, we aren't allowed to blow up earth and for it to stay blown up any more by Galactic Law.

One nuked planet in this solar system is enough.

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