Sunday, June 16, 2024

One of the 10 unaffordable cities, San Francisco is a paradox expecially in Union Square where most businesses have left

 So, because of the homeless and people robbing stores in large groups many of the businesses have left the core of San Francisco. However, the Houses and apartments around San Francisco often go for 1 million plus because a few years ago Silicon Valley millionaires and billionaires discovered that silicon Valley isn't that far away from San Francisco which is only about 49 miles or minutes by car or truck away from San Jose and Silicon Valley in this area. So, a one hours drive isn't a big deal for most Dot Comers who are millionaires and billionaires anyway. So, in San Francisco they have the great restaurants and cultural centers (even though many big box stores have moved away from Central San Francisco because of mass Smash and Grab events and other types of thefts.

This is also empowering companies like Prime who are taking the place of Big Box Stores all over but especially in places like San Francisco and Silicon Valley and San Jose.

So, in this sense San Francisco is a real paradox from all the U.S. states turfing their homeless to San Francisco by bus from all the other states while homes are selling for millions of dollars and the people who have lived in San Francisco are all having to leave San Francisco now because they have been outpriced. So, they sell their homes that they have lived in forever  for a million or more and buy a new home then in a place like Reno or Las Vegas or something like that somewhere else.

It's not that the traditional San Francisco people want to move it's that they can't afford to live in San Francisco anymore because of the price of homes and everything skyrocketing every day of every year.

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