Monday, June 10, 2024

One of the more unusual things about my going to Texas

 A week before I went I was sort of worried about dying there simply because my diuretic was in transition for CHF and edema. I had had serious problems in Kauai last October when we went there with friends. However, I really wanted to see my daughter and intuited I could likely survive this.

However, this is how I was able to do this and survive it in 116 degrees heat index:

I had tried torsemide but realized just before I left I couldn't take this new diuretic. So, I used Furosemide w. hich I don't like because it sometimes can make you hallucinate especially at night when you are trying to go to sleep. So, before I got on the plane I brought my water weight down to a manageable weight so I could survive the trip by plane there.

Then when I got there I went on what is sometimes called Bumex which is the diuretic most people use who don't want to hallucinate at night and possibly trigger senile dementia from the hallucinations from Furosemide. The Bumex I first took in Austin and wound up urinating 6 pounds of water a night. I succeeded in this by NOT taking it during the day which could have been fatal in this much heat and wound up taking it between 8 pm to midnight while there visiting my daughter. However, my daughter wondered why I wasn't happier there. I didn't know what to say at the time but the real reason was that I wasn't sleeping more than a few hours a night because I was urinating so much to survive the nights and days there. So, though it was possible to survive seeing my daughter again it was touch and go from my point of view if I could do this without going into the hospital from dealing with all of this.

When I returned home I realized I sort of had been in a type of shock for the 8 or 9 days while there in Texas and I find I'm still recovering a little more each day from that trip to Texas. So, was it worth going through this to see my daughter that I haven't seen since Christmas? Yes. 

Did I have a close call trying to stay alive and not pass out there. Yes.

Would I do it again to see my daughter? Yes.

But, it wasn't without a cost at least temporarily to my health because I'm still recovering here where I live where for right now at least on the northern coast it doesn't go above 70 degrees during the day because of summer clouds and fog along the coast. So, though I greatly miss the sun of Texas I don't miss the 116 degree heat index or the urinating 6 pounds of water out every night while there and not ever sleeping more than a few hours each night so I could survive all this. But, if you are in my predicament you might have done the same thing to see your daughter when you don't know when you are going to see her again.

Thank You God for helping me through all this!

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