Monday, June 10, 2024

Quote from PBS News Hour

 46% of Hispanic Trump supporters believe that America's openness to people from around the world is essential to the nation's identity, compared to 32% of white Trump supporters.

Pew research center(April 8-14 2024).

I'm thinking this is because many or most of white Trump Supporters might not have traveled more than 25 to 50 miles from where they were born so they have no idea at all what other cultures think or do from personal experience.

I myself experienced a strange sort of Culture Shock even going to Texas after growing up in California which in some ways was more difficult than going to a place like Nepal or India or Thailand simply because this is one of the U.S. States. So, I would assume American States would all be similar in many respects. However, I also experienced this kind of Culture Shock when I traveled to North Carolina as well. I don't think I'm alone either when many people travel from Blue States to Red States from around the country and possibly the people from Red States go to Blue States as well where they don't understand where people are coming from in those states different than theirs.


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