Monday, June 10, 2024

The Planet New Deva is likely Earth 1,000,000 years into the future

As near as I can figure out from what Arcane and His Oneness and others who have studied somewhat these kinds of things the continents still exist around the time that Arcane is shot back in time to around 250,000 to 500,000 AD from Isfahel by Tech Noir in the time traveling war they engage in at that time. 

However, by 1,000,000 Ad Earth somehow has no more continents which could be for many reasons including high winds (sandblasting away the continents). IN other words water is water and will return to water whether it is ice or anything else so water is likely going to condense into water as long as the temperature is low enough to do that but I suppose it is also possible that water could be clouds for a long time at higher temperatures too. We will see a little of this this century by the way regarding what Water is going to do with all the heat. Weather scientists say that rain some places will be flooding more and winds will be higher and I'm thinking that planes won't be able to take off and land the way they do and likely will have to function more like rockets ships do how they take off and land because of Wind shears taking the wings off of the planes eventually. So, big wings on planes likely aren't going to work if the winds and wind shears get much stronger than they are now. Already people are getting injured a lot when planes hit wind shears when some people aren't wearing their seat belts all the time in planes.

And like I have said before the only islands that exist when Arcane's people who originally colonized other planets from around 2500 AD in our galaxy eventually find earth again but don't recognize it because there are no longer any continents at all on it. So, they live on the islands until the population gets too much for the islands and Arcane's group is forced under the ocean and they have to become Amphibian humans to survive. So, Arcane's group then exterminates the above ground people who look like us eventually for driving them under the ocean to live and then they take over New Deva eventually too.

However, Arcane is born around 10,000 years after all this happens when things are relatively peaceful on New Deva (Earth in the future without Continents).

So, basically when Arcane is transported back in time to Earth sometime between 250,000 and 500,000 years into the future the continents all still exist even though they don't by 1 million AD when the planet is Called New Deva by the colonizers. When they come here no humans at all are here except them. That's why they aren't sure whether this is earth or not but many suspect that it is earth still. So, the planet is named New Deva instead of Earth because they aren't certain whether this is earth or not. However, it is in the right location to be earth and the other planets appear to be somewhat like they were before all this happened.

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