Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The war between religious communities and LGBTQ communities goes on worldwide

In some ways it is churches against LGBTQ people all over the world even though this isn't entirely true.

I can remember in India when I was there there was a demonstration for the rights of people who have both male and female Sexual organs because in India in 1986 people who were hermaphrodites had no human rights at all traditionally. I don't know how exactly all this worked but obviously this sort of thing likely goes back 10,000 years or more.

It's not useful to say who is right or who is wrong because neither side worldwide is likely going to change their opinion whatever it is.

So, this century there likely will be millions who die worldwide in this battle for individual rights to be who they want to be versus religious systems who want to put everyone in some kind of box. 

So, who is right and who is wrong regarding all this isn't the point from my point of view. It's how many millions are going to die on either side of this issue worldwide this century.

Traditionally people who were gay were thought of as week but this is not my experience at all. Often they are more intelligent and stronger than regular people too.

So, I wouldn't underestimate either side and what they will do to each other worldwide during this century and coming centuries likely too.

However, I think Artificial intelligence is going to change people in profound ways that we haven't thought of yet in even more extreme ways than people have already changed since the 1950s.

When I see all the changes since the 1950s I don't see things as being better than then but only different. I know my opinion isn't the norm but in some ways what people did then worked and in some ways what people do today works but in a completely different way.

However, all the people being killed and buried in a back yard in the 1950s never to be heard from again I'm sort of glad the worst of this is over at least for now. And hopefully it will stay that way.

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