Sunday, June 16, 2024

Torsemide and Bumex (bumetanide) didn't work for me

 Both these diuretics went sideways for me. Torsemide I knew right away couldn't work because I became ornery past anything normal for me and stopped taking it because I think I was starting to scare my wife. Bumex (Bumetanide) was more subtle until yesterday I couldn't think straight in the Health food store and barely could remember my own name. My wife realized it was the Bumex and so I had to stop taking this medication too  immediately (if I wanted to think and walk and drive a car and make useful decisions in my life and travel anymore).

So, I guess it's back to the drawing board. I was trying to be able to stop taking Furosemide permanently because one of it's side effects is hallucinations at night after you take it awhile. However, as long as I'm near the beach and the temperatures are cool I might get away with taking no diuretics for edema at all by reducing severely my water intake. I successfully did this from November to early April when the temperatures started to warm up and I needed to drink more water to survive the weather changes. However, if Bumex (Bumetanide) works for you and doesn't lobotomize you like it did me over time then maybe this is a good alternative to Furosemide. Because I had no problem with Bumetanide the way it works except for lobotomizing me slowly until I couldn't function yesterday and we had to have me stop taking it. A friend of mine who is 84 seems to do quite well on Bumetanide by the way and he is still a practicing Lawyer.

I have had many medications go sideways on me now (Lisinopril) was the first one around 2014 even though I had been taking this off and on when needed since 1998 and it helped save my life in 1998 and 1999. However, you never know when a medicine is going to go sideways on you.

Spironolactone went sideways in 2018 and I only narrowly avoided having to check myself into the hospital. However, everyone (doctors and physicians assistants) know that spironolactone is usually going to go sideways within a couple of years for everyone. So, be prepared for this. My negative side effect to spironolactone was the inability to properly use my arms and hands. So, I stopped cold turkey. However, my cardiologist was busy operating on people so I nearly died because he was so busy. Finally I went to my Family practitioner who was the best diagnostician Doctor I have ever known and he said, "Wow! it's good you came to see me I would have had to put you in the hospital in a couple of days." So, this is how spironolactone went sideways on me. Then I had to let my wife and daughters go to Ireland, Scotland and England without me while I stayed in my daughter's apartment in Portland and my son who lives there with his family nursed me back to health. (HE has a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing from one of the CAlifornia state universities here in California.)

So, this is a partial list of the drugs that have gone sideways on me so far:

Lisonopril 2014

Spironolactone 2018

Torsemide 2024 recently

Bumex (Bumetanide) yesterday.

So, you have to constantly be asking yourself the question: "Is this medicine killing me or is it helping me?"

Without asking this question almost every day you could be dead or incapacitated soon.

I talked to my physical trainer recently who is a certified physician's assistant in Germany and I said, "If I had listened to everything doctors told me----"

She answer the end phrase which was: (You would be dead now!")

And I said "yes."

So as you get older if you or your spouse isn't your medical advocate you might soon be dead or maimed in some way. This is why I"m sharing this with you so you can live a longer happier healthier life.

By God's Grace

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