Sunday, June 9, 2024

We all need angels to survive even one more day

When I was younger I found I could ask God and Angels whether I would have a car accident or a near miss that day a lot especially on longer trips. So, I would sit there in my car and look forward into the future to see if there were any problems I might encounter. I often could see the problematic cars or trucks that might cause an accident and know what to do to look out for them.

At first my thought was to see the accident as an Iron Plate which was visible to me then I would take a blow torch like you use for cutting metal when welding and cut a hole in the iron plate so I could drive through and not impact the iron plate. This worked when I was very young and just starting driving.

However, over time I realized that accidents and bad drivers are time sensitive and so I realized if I picked up problems like this all I would have to do is to leave 10 to 15 minutes later. And sure enough often I would drive and see those cars or trucks I saw crashed by the side of the road this time without me. Or I would see them driving along okay because I wasn't there when someone was freaking out at all not watching carefully.

Over time then we come to the 1980s when I learned I could talk to cars and trucks and planes and anything made of metal or sand or even microchips or robots and ask what was going to happen next because the rock people already know the past, present and future so if you make friends with them then they will tell you basically what happens next.

For me, this is a part of knowing angels are a part of the earth and yet beyond the earth (both are true). People think that Angels are totally removed from the earth but this isn't usually the case because Earth is a living being like you and me and anyone or anything here only exists by the direct permission of Mother Earth to begin with. So, even angels need permission from Mother Earth to be here at all too.

So, yes, defer to God but even God defers to Earth and other planets because this planet is planet Earth's body and even the bodies that human beings wear are the properly of planet earth to begin with. Earth loans us these bodies to live in only when we live here with Earth's permission.

Many people don't understand the hierarchy of God and planets and how all this works but the Rock people and other masters have taught me a lot of this through the years.

Also, Rock people and cars and trucks and planes and everything else made of metal or dirt or rocks lives in the past, present and future like trees and most plants do too.

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