Tuesday, June 18, 2024

We have a bunch of these geodesic balls for doggie soccer with our Corgi

Since she was a puppy ever since one of our housekeepers created a doggie soccer game for her on our deck (our deck has a lower fenced in level of about 25 feet by 15 feet where these balls cannot get out into the yard easily. So, in the confines of this part of our deck we play doggie soccer. The rules? You are playing with a dog so it's mostly kicking the balls around and her grabbing the balls sort of like she is protecting her puppies (if she had any). So, what is going through the dog's mind I don't know except we are all having fun together playing with these geodesic balls kicking them around and her catching them in the air or grabbing them and trying to keep them away from me or whoever is playing with her.

She will do this all day if you let her but usually one of us plays a few minutes at a time (especially when it's sunny because the deck can get pretty hot in the sun and if I have bare feet I usually don't want to burn my feet (or hers). 

One of our housekeepers is a retired Army Ranger who is great with dogs and still physically fit from being an Army ranger and a Basketball player at Michigan State during his college years. So, he really gives her a workout while we talk about the world here on our deck in our backyard while we solve the world's problems and our own while laughing a lot. 

Great for the dog and great for us!

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