Monday, June 17, 2024

What Attracted me to Tibetan Buddism?

Though I have always been attracted to Tibetan Buddhism because it suits my natural mind stream there are other reasons which are past life memories in Tibet and what is now called Nepal and India. I remember for example after being born around 1840 in likely Tibet but a part of it that is in Nepal in the Himalayas, I around 1860 or after meditated in a cave as a cave yogi and I met the Tibetan lama reincarnated in Ashland Oregon who I learned to levitate and fly around the Himalayas and Nepal and India in that lifetime that I lived until around 1930 and I passed away as a Guru in India. 

So, basically I have found that Buddhism and particularly Tibetan Buddhism is very compassionate both to oneself and to all beings in the universe. This I have always particularly liked about Tibetan Buddhism.

For me especially protestant Christianity I find is often racist in various ways and since I didn't want to be so racist and judgemental of everyone and everything on earth I found that compassion was infinitely more powerful than ANY racist way of viewing things.

I found that Trees and rocks and animals and birds watch all of us and our thoughts and actions all the time and that we are empowered by God if help help and bless all living beings here on earth and throughout the universe.

So, I have found compassion towards oneself and all beings in the universe more powerful and deep than anything else I have studied since I was born.

All civilization is based upon Kindness towards oneself and all other beings and everything else is an aberration of the truth.

This doesn't mean you cannot defend yourself it just means you are as compassionate as you can be to yourself and all others and still find a way to survive that you can live with.

It's a choice to have compassion for yourself and all life in the Universe so this is what I choose to do.

And by doing this it makes a person potentially very very powerful and useful to all life in the universe as well.

By God's Grace

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