Sunday, June 9, 2024

You are the future of life on earth

 Each of us are. Not just me. 

This is important to understand.

The longer you can live and be helpful to your families and to mankind the better the future of earth will be for everyone.

Though it is likely that our numbers will be reduced by 7 billion by 2100 AD mostly through starvation and lack of water and cities along coastlines going underwater etc. and storms and fires and earthquakes and things we don't have names for yet because they haven't happened, it is also true that some of us will remain to help guide mankind on into a better future.

However, I have mentioned before that one of the biggest problems that mankind will face is the deaths of the 7 billion people this century that we will all witness on TV screens around the world as they drown or die in storms or fires or flooding or rising oceans worldwide.

Soon some areas won't have any live fish in the oceans or some rivers or lakes because they get too hot to have any fish alive there because of the sun heating up all waters on earth beyond where most sea life can survive.

However, it is also true that fish likely will be replaced a lot by Jellyfish worldwide which are growing in numbers a lot now fish stocks have been so depleted.

So, the natural balance of life in the ocean is changing and most things are dying now. What they will be replaced with instead of Fish I'm not sure. However, everything that eats fish in the ocean might die now too especially in certain areas of the earth where the fish all die form the heat like off the coast of China for example.

Also, the fish in coral reefs likely might all die as the coral reefs that protect them turn white and don't sustain life anymore.

You are the future of life on earth and what you do will show which  humans will survive and which won't ongoing.

You cannot save everyone and there will be tremendous grief around this.

However, you can save SOME of the human race of earth so we don't go extinct.

But, expect a lot of grief this century as millions and then billions of people die this century mostly from starvation and lack of water and storms.

The grief worldwide will be much worse than World War II so basically unimaginable at this point to any of mankind.

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