I was thinking about the whole 7028.80r
please see articles called:
7028.80r and/or
September 18th 7028 AD
at my October 2009 blog here a intuitivefred888.blogspot.com if interested in reading more.
As I walked along the trail covered with pine and Oak and Redwood trees on the Northern Coast of California I was thinking about what Ragna meant when he gave me this code around 2000 AD.
That his ship was there at the ocean view site in the hills overlooking the ocean wasn't really a surprise to me this time at all.
After greetings he talked to me sort of as father son(him being my father) or as old friends the way a son and father can get as they both age together when the son is over 50.
I said finally after greetings and other short conversations, "What is with 7028.80r anyway?"
Ragna sort of looked at me and laughed and said, "That wasn't from me." I looked sort of bewildered. He said, "It was designed to enlighten people in various ways. "His Oneness called it a Galactic Engram which was an almost infinite series of codes natural built into it. Here let me show you." Ragna led me over to his timespace ship desk built into the wall which came down with a chair when we came near. He quickly took out a pen and paper and wrote '7028.80r' . He looked at me carefully and said, "Well, my first reaction to this code would be of course "7 days of the week which could allude to God creating the earth." My eyebrows rose as I now saw it in a different way. "Then I might look at it and say '28 days refers to the female menstral cycle which allows humans to exist at all and to reproduce which is vital to humans staying alive anywhere'. Then I might look at the .8 and say this is the 8 fold path of Buddha or even the 8 fold path of going beyond suffering. And finally I might say the Master R as in "The Great Divine Director" or "The Lord Maha Chohan" or something like that."
I said, "I didn't see that it is potentially so many things."
"No. I wouldn't have either." said Ragna. He went on, "Jonathan, this was designed by the Galactic Sentience as an 'INFINITE CODE'. I said, "An INFINITE CODE?" Ragna looked at me and said, "Yes. IT is designed using DNA CODES and Soul Codes for Planet Earth and is used to unlock many secrets both scientific and of a soul or spirit level in everyone on earth. So there is a code in it for everyone if they believe it is there. And there might be thousands of codes for everyone in a special sort of way as well."
Jonathan felt this and intuited it and said, "So it is sort of a Zen for everyone if they want it to be?" Ragna smiled and said, "Even if they don't want it to be it is a potential Zen Code that can unlock secrets they need to move forward in their lives. So, if for example, they mediatated on it just like I did and allowed themselves to see what this set of numbers with a point and the letter r means to them.
I looked at Ragna realizing that this next question I might be able to ask myself just as well as he could respond. But I couldn't pass up asking this question to someone I knew from 5000 years into the future.
I said, "What is the significance of this life of mine? You and Elohar told me that I couldn't take my own life when I was 21 in 1969 and said that I had to stay alive to help prevent the extinction of life on earth. Ragna seemed kind of shocked at this question and expressed his shock to me thusly. "Jonathan. I thought you would understand by now that your purpose on earth was just to be here. Once you soul traveled to the Galactic Core around age 21 or 22 they all saw your soul signature and knew immediately who you were. Almost anyone else having done that would have been either torched and their body die on earth or something else not good would have happened to them. Your going to the Galactic Core as a soul showed them who your soul was and was a path for earth to be saved extinction. Just because a lot of souls think earth has to be blown to kingdom come doesn't mean it is an ANYONE's best interest that it actually happen that way. That is just a point of view of small minded people who cannot conceive of how complicated and wondrous the universe really is and want to self destruct in mass so they don't have to think about it anymore!"
Jonathan sort of smiled. He had thought it might be something like this. He said, "So my purpose on earth appears to you as Being more than Doing?"
Ragna said, "Your purpose on earth is to "BE" here and to write about all your experiences both traveling on earth and beyond earth, spiritual experiences, scientific experiences and realizations etc. Your writing is about expanding the horizons of as many people as possible into new worlds they might have never dreamed of before both spiritual and material. Your purpose is to keep the human race alive while giving them a good reason to stay alive. That is your purpose here the way that I see it."
Jonathan looked at Ragna and said, "I guess you see it sort of how I would if I lived the life you have lived."
Ragna said, "Jonathan. We aren't really that different you and I. It is only our life experiences that separate us. Otherwise it could be said of both of us, 'There but for the Grace of God Go I'".
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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