begin quote:
HE was, perhaps, one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. The friend of humanity, wishing for money only that he might give to the poor, a friend to animals, his heart was concerned only with the happiness of others.--Mémoires de Mon Temps, p. 135. S. A. LE LANDGRAVE CHARLES, PRINCE DE HESSE. (Copenhagen, 1861.)
DURING the last quarter of every hundred years an attempt is made by those Masters, of whom I have spoken, to help on the spiritual progress of Humanity. Towards the close of each century you will invariably find that an outpouring or upheaval of spirituality--or call it mysticism if you prefer--has taken place. Some one or more persons have appeared in the world as their agents, and a greater or less amount of occult knowledge or teaching has been given out.--The Key to Theosophy (p. 194). H. P. BLAVATSKY
THE Comte de St. Germain was certainly the greatest Oriental Adept Europe has seen during the last centuries.--Theosophical Glossary, H. P. BLAVATSKY.
AMONG the strange mysterious beings, with which the eighteenth century was so richly dowered, no one has commanded more universal comment and attention than the mystic who was known by the name of the Comte de St. Germain. A hero of romance; a charlatan; a swindler and an adventurer; rich and varied were the names
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that showered freely upon him. Hated by the many, loved and reverenced by the few, time has not yet lifted the veil which screened his true mission from the vulgar speculators of the period. Then, as now, the occultist was dubbed charlatan by the ignorant; only some men and women here and there realised the power of which he stood possessed. The friend and councillor of kings and princes, an enemy to ministers who were skilled in deception, he brought his great knowledge to help the West, to stave off in some small measure the storm clouds that were gathering so thickly around some nations. Alas! his words of warning fell on deafened ears, and his advice went all unheeded.
Looking back from this distance of time it will be of interest to many students of mysticism to trace the life, so far as it may yet be told, of this great occultist. Sketches are to be found here and there from various writers, mostly antagonistic, but no coherent detailed account of his life has yet appeared. This is very largely owing to the fact that the most interesting and important work, done by M. de St. Germain, lies buried in the secret archives of many princely and noble families. With this fact we have become acquainted during the careful investigations which we have been making on the subject. Where the archives are situated we have also learned,
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but we have not yet in all cases received permission to make the necessary researches.
It must be borne in mind that the Comte de St. Germain, alchemist and mystic, does not belong to the French family of St. Germain, from which descended Count Robert de St. Germain; the latter was born in the year 1708, at Lons-le-Saulnier, was first a Jesuit, and entered later in turn the French, Palatine, and Russian military services; he became Danish Minister of War under Count Struensee, then re-entered the French service, and at the beginning of the reign of Louis XVI., he tried, as Minister of War, to introduce various changes into the French army; these raised a violent storm of indignation; he was disgraced by the king and finally died in 1778. He is so often confounded with his mystic and philosophic namesake, that for the sake of clearing up the ignorance that prevails on the matter it is well to give these brief details, showing the difference between the two men; unfortunately the disgrace into which the soldier fell is but too often attributed to the mystic, to whom we will now turn our entire attention.
That M. de St. Germain had intimate relations with many high persons in various countries is quite undeniable, the testimony on this point being overwhelming. That such relations should
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cause jealousy and unkindly speculation is unfortunately not rare in any century. Let us, however, see what some of these princely friends say. When questioned by the Herzog Karl August as to the supernatural age of this mystic, the Landgraf von Hessen-Phillips-Barchfeld replied: "We cannot speak with certainty on that point; the fact is the Count is acquainted with details about which only contemporaries of that period could give us information; it is now the fashion in Cassel to listen respectfully to his statements and not to be astonished at anything. The Count is known not to be an importunate sycophant; he is a man of good society to whom all are pleased to attach themselves. . . . He at all events stands in close relation with many men of considerable importance, and exercises an incomprehensible influence on others. My cousin the Landgraf Karl von Hessen is much attached to him; they are eager Freemasons, and work together at all sorts of hidden arts. . . . He is supposed to have intercourse with ghosts and supernatural beings, who appear at his call." 1
Herr Mauvillon, in spite of his personal prejudice against M. de St. Germain, is obliged to acknowledge the feeling of the Duke towards
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the great alchemist. For on his supposed death being mentioned in the Brunswick newspaper of the period, wherein M. de St. Germain was spoken of as "a man of learning," "a lover of truth," "devoted to the good" and "a hater of baseness and deception," the Duke himself wrote to the editor, expressing his approbation of the announcement. 1
In France M. de St. Germain appears to have been under the personal care, and enjoying the affection of Louis XV., who repeatedly declared that he would not tolerate any mockery of the Count, who was of high birth. It was this affection and protection that caused the Prime Minister, the Duc de Choiseul, to become a bitter enemy of the mystic, although he was at one time friendly to him, since the Baron de Gleichen in his memoirs says: "M. de St. Germain frequented the house of M. de Choiseul, and was well received there." 2
The same writer, who later became one of his devoted students, testifies to the fact that M. de St. Germain ate no meat, drank no wine, and lived according to a strict régime. Louis XV. gave him a suite of rooms in the royal Château de Chambord, and he constantly spent
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whole evenings at Versailles with the King and the royal family.
end quote from first chapter of Book "The Comte de Saint Germain" by Cooper-Oakley in 1912
By the way this book is available now at
Though I have a 1912 copy of this book and my 20 year old daughter just finished reading it before we went to France October 1st, I have primarily used the book as a reference source and read chapters at random trying to ascertain their meaning in relation to the Saint Germain I was taught to love and to respect as a baby and small child growing up in the church of my parents which was the Saint Germain Foundation. My parents were put in charge of the Los Angeles Church of this denomination on Hope Street in Los Angeles, California from 1954 to 1960 when my mother's father passed on.
So growing up with Saint Germain was something that I was always a part of from babyhood on. My mother, and her father both knew Mr. Ballard from 1934 or 1936 on until he passed on in 1939. My father read "Unveiled Mysteries" and "The Magic Presence" and "The 'I AM' Discourses" while sailing in the Pacific Ocean in 1939 when he and his wife and his brother chartered a yacht to Tahiti and the Tuomoto archipelago. They returned in 1940 and 1941 before Pearl Harbor was attacked to the United States and Seattle to where their families were.
So my motivation in all this research is to try to understand who the physical being Saint Germain really was. Just like if you decided to find out who the historical Jesus really was. And since truth in both cases is much stranger than fiction it is bound to be a very interesting journey.
When I went on to research the French royal Chateau de Chambord I found some very interesting things about this place as well. For example, it is believed that it was designed by Leonardo Da Vinci who was into many of the same kinds of things as the Comte De Saint Germain. The other interesting thing for me was that the Comte ate no meat or wine and followed a strict diet which reminds me of many people in Southern California and at this point throughout the world since the 1960s.
In regard to him switching names it appears that this was a quite common way for nobles of his period to protect themselves from the poor and vulgar people who might want to harm or extort money from them or kidnap their relatives. Then like now there were extremes in wealth and poverty throughout Europe at that time so self protection was a necessity by the nobles and the wealthy of that period.
Begin quote from "The Comte de Saint Germain"
One of the chief difficulties we find in tracing his history consists in the constant changes of name and title, a proceeding which seems to have aroused much antagonism and no little doubt. This fact should not, however, have made the public (of the period) dislike him, for it appears to have been the practice of persons of position, who did not wish to attract vulgar curiosity; thus, for instance, we have the Duc de Medici travelling in the years 1698 and 1700 under the name of the Conte di Siena. The Graf Marcolini, when he went from Dresden to Leipzig to meet M. de St. Germain, adopted another name. The Kur-Prinz Friedrich-Christian von Sachsen travelled in Italy from 1738 to 1740, under the name Comte Lausitz. Nearly all the members of the royal families in every country, during the last century, and even in this, adopted the same practice; but when M. de St. Germain did so, we have all the small writers of that period and later calling him an adventurer and a charlatan for what appears to have been, practically, a custom of the time.
Let us now make a list of these names and titles, bearing in mind that they cover a period of time dating from 1710 to 1822. The first date is mentioned by Baron de Gleichen, who says:
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"I have heard Rameau and an old relative of a French ambassador at Venice testify to having known M. de St. Germain in 1710, when he had the appearance of a man of fifty years of age." 1 The second date is mentioned by Mme. d’Adhémar in her most interesting Souvenirs sur Marie Antoinette. 2 During this time we have M. de St. Germain as the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre or Aymar at Venice, Chevalier Schoening at Pisa, Chevalier Weldon at Milan and Leipzig, Comte Soltikoff at Genoa and Leghorn, Graf Tzarogy at Schwalbach and Triesdorf, Prinz Ragoczy at Dresden, and Comte de St. Germain at Paris, the Hague, London, and St. Petersburg. No doubt all these varied changes gave ample scope and much material for curious speculations.
A few words may fitly here be said about his personal appearance and education. From one contemporary writer we get the following sketch:--
"He looked about fifty, is neither stout nor thin, has a fine intellectual countenance, dresses very simply, but with taste; he wears the finest diamonds on snuff-box, watch and buckles. Much of the mystery with which he is surrounded is
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owing to his princely liberality." Another writer, who knew him when at Anspach, says: "He always dined alone and very simply; his wants were extremely few; it was impossible while at Anspach to persuade him to dine at the Prince's table."
M. de St. Germain appears to have been very highly educated. According to Karl von Weber, 1 "he spoke German, English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish very well, and French with a Piedmontese accent." end quote from the Comte de Saint Germain
So if the Comte de Saint Germain was actually Francis Bacon who was born in 1561 and we now have established continuous accounts of his life until 1822 then we have established that he was in 1822, 261 years old. If we take into account all the stories he told he could be dated back to the time of Christ.
However, I might give an alternate explanation of all this. If one put into place reincarnation as experienced especially in India. It is often common for some children to tell their parents who they were previously and to visit where they used to live and even visit with past life relatives with everyone being quite happy about the whole thing. So, what I'm saying here is that it isn't necessary for someone to have lived 2000 years to be able to remember all ones lives of the last 2000 years. However, it does take an exceptional soul and body and mind to cope with the fullness of all lifetimes simaltaneously. Even I remember glyffs of my previous lives but I don't presume to go too deep because it can be very painful to take on everything and everyone from all ones past lives in one's present lifetime. Often if a person isn't very judicious they become lost in past experiences and feelings and lose their present lifetime as a result. So it isn't something one lightly embarks upon in discovering past lives. PRotections must be established first in order for a good end to come about in the present.
So to summarize the names presently known that the Comte De Saint Germain used are:
Comte De Saint Germain in 1710 witnessed by Countess D'Adhemar
Marquis de Montferrat in 1760 witnessed by Countess D'Adhemar
Comte Bellamarre in Venice
Comte Aymar in Venice
Chevalier Shoening at Pisa
Chevalier Weldon at Milan and Leipzig
Comte Soltikoff at Genoa and Leghorn
Graf Tzarogy at Schwalbach and Triesdorf
Prince Ragoczy at Dresden
and the Comte De Saint Germain at Paris, The Hague, London and St. Petersburg.
Another point that should be remembered is that I believe it was Louis the fifteenth that engaged the Comte De Saint Germain as his personal international spy. This is another point that makes sense of all the different names used in different European cities.
Also, the Comte De Saint Germain appears to be financially connected to the Hotel de Ville in Paris and lived at the royal Chateau de Chambord thought to be designed by Leonardo Da Vinci. And since Da Vinci was interested in similar esoteric points of view this brings another interesting element into the mix. Because of his personal protection from King Louis the fourteenth and Fifteenth it is also possible because of the intermarriage of royalty throughout Europe that the Comte De Saint Germain was a distant relative maybe like a cousin or second cousin to one or both of the two French kings.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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