Monday, October 26, 2009

May All Beings Attain Bliss October 26, 2009

When I want to experience Peace in every cell of my body I give the following prayer silently or out loud:

"May All Beings attain Bliss and the Cause of Bliss
May all Beings Be Free from suffering and the Cause of Suffering
May all Beings Never be without the Supreme Bliss that is Free from
All near and Far all Grasping and Aversion"

Since I have been a conscious Soul Traveler since my early teens and Twenties I have come to understand as I have grown older (now 61) that time and space are only relative. So This prayer is a real experience now. As I experience All Beings in the Universe in All Time and Space(remember this is trillions and trillions of Beings, everything living in any form including people, animals, ghosts, insects, all kinds of life forms on earth and beyond everywhere) experiencing permanent Bliss and Permanent Freedom from Suffering my whole Body glows during this experience and every moment of suffering I have had to endure in my life then has value and merit in the pursuit of this goal for all beings in the Universe in All time and Space!

Feel Free to experience this for all life in the universe! I have found it to be the most blissful of all Experiences in the Now! By Experiencing this you make it happen in actuality. This is just the true nature of all life in the universe.

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