I was exploring in my mind different forms of government today.
It seems like the United States has fallen to greed which makes democracy more and more irrelevant because regulations for corporations and banking institutions are not happening. So people with good credit who were paying 8 or 9% interest are now socked with 30% interest or more. Since government isn't moving fast enough to protect citizens from this gouging I began to think of more useful forms of government.
When designing a form of government it appears that checks and balances and human rights seem to be the most important things to consider.
Remember, I'm only thinking out loud about this because I now believe that our U.S. Government has been so overtaken by corporations and big money and lobbyists that even someone like Obama can't do much to save the common people of the U.S. from the frauds perpetrated against the common people of our nation.
The way I see what just happened in the last few years is that a few at the top saw the changes coming in the world and just tried to skim all they could before the economies of the U.S. and Europe collapsed in a new Great Depression. I believe this is still happening through the banks and lending institutions worldwide and the common people are still getting screwed. So Those who still have jobs will be more likely to lose everything through interest gouging of the common people.
So, I was thinking it is time to start thinking about a better system so that there doesn't have to been some sort of revolution in the U.S.
People are getting more and more upset in the U.S. The last civil war was in 1860 so it would really take a lot to make people revolt again. However, on the far right and on the far left many are really angry right now in the U.S. and around the world. And to make matters worse even those in the middle are pretty angry and scared right now as well.
The problem, I believe is misplaced anger. It is a lot like people sitting in the sun in a hot car in the sun. They might be talking about something and going along with their lives and suddenly they find themselves getting angrier and angrier until finally someone says. "Hey. We're getting angry because it is getting too hot in the car and we either need to get out of the car or open the windows. However, the human race is only at the angry part and has NOT clearly defined what is wrong yet.
If I were to define what the problems are they would be:
Global Warming
World overpopulation
scarcity of food
irregular or low rainfalls or droughts
dwindling petroleum reserves worldwide
However, until enough of the people of earth understand what is really going wrong they will be misdirected and many will starve and die as a result.
And both governments and corporations function with the sure knowledge that: "There's a new sucker born every minute."
So, the best thing you can do is to educate yourself so you can protect yourself and your families from governments, corporations and people trying to take advantage of you in every way and who are trying to steal everything from you both directly and indirectly.
Though I suppose this is very idealistic and Utopian of me I began to think today of what and ideal form of government would look like. I was trying to envision a real theocracy, "in other words someone or a group of people who really were working in everyone's best interests" not just people who were saying one thing and really doing another.
I have always been very taken with the Theocracy that existed in Tibet before the Chinese invaded and took over Tibet from the Dalai Lama. The theocratic form of government there appears to have worked very well. Even Polyandry- one wife with several husbands who are brothers(which reduced population growth) was very efective at high altitude(over 8000 feet in altitude) since wheat doesn't grow that high (only barley and a few other things).
When I wrote about "His Oneness" I stil beleive that this was a form of Theocracy from Ancient Lemuria that was in many ways similar to what we found in Tibet in past centuries only I believe ancient Lemuria had Intergalactic Travel and so had a very highly developed culture.
note: if you want to read about His Oneness of Lemuria you can read more about him at
dragonofcompassion.com my other website. He first shows up in "Memories" part 2 which includes part 3. If you scroll down to part 3 you begin to read about "His Oneness"
Also, there is a "His Oneness" button at the top which is a short sequel to "Memories" which describes more specifically who "His Oneness" was and is. I believe that "His Oneness still exists in stasis over the Gobi Desert and that Mt. Shasta is an Archive or library of Lemuria and that by taking a volcanic rock from above 5000 feet in altitude from Mt. Shasta you can engram your brain and memories with ancient knowledge from Lemuria archives. By being led to the "Kalachakra initiation in Bodhgaya, India combined with a lifetime of experience with Mt. Shasta in California I was able to write about "His Oneness" of Lemuria. "His Oneness" is a title bestowed upon a planetary leader by the Galactic Sentience, and immortal being who rules the "Milky Way" Galaxy. Possibly seeing all this as fiction at first might be more useful to you until you have your own proof through your direct experiences that what I'm saying is all true. Also everyone's truth is slightly different just as everyone's enlightenment is slightly different.end note.
However, I also believe that ice ages, droughts, wars, famines, and many other types of problems that we haven't yet encountered in the last 10,000 years is why these cultures don't presently exist anymore.
For example, the reason the Tibetan Government is gone is that the Chinese which were atheistic when they attacked denied the existence of Tibetan Buddhism as a valid form of thought. So it was very much like when Europeans came to America and denied native Americans their religions and languages and made everyone become Christian. Only in this case the Chinese wanted everyone to become atheistic and only believe in Mao Tse Tung.
So, as you can see if you have studied history at all, creating ANY form of government and making it last and protecting it from the Barbarians so to speak is not an easy task in any era.
For example, right now the U.S. and Europe cannot possibly win against terrorists who spend only 1 dollar to fight us for every 100 dollars or more we spend to fight them. It is an economic reality that neither Europe nor the United States has faced yet.
What the long term solution to this ongoing problem is I don't know. However, the most likely long term solution unfortunately will be that NATO troops including the U.S will all be withdrawn from Afghanistan, Iraq and possibly Pakistan leaving only predator drones with Hellfire missils that daily kill Taliban leaders for the next 100 years or so. This unfortunately looks like what will happen in the long run.
So, what will government look like in the future? Necessity is the mother of invention!
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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