I found this site through Google Images so I don't know much about it except that the title of the page was Bukisa begin quote.
Shamans, Prophets and Gods
Posted Apr 11, 2009 by RichardLynn
Shamanism is in almost every culture from before the beginning of civilizations to the present.. A Shaman is a person that communicates with the spirit world; they treat illnesses with prayer, chants, incantations, herbs and other forms of natural remedies. They go into an induced trance with drumming, dancing and herbs to enable contact with spirits in other dimensions. Many "bring back" useful, even enlightening information from vision quests. Some "act" very strange while they are in visionary ecstasy because they are in a dream state. Most shamans operate outside of established religions but are very compassionate ministers wanting to help other people. Most say that they leave their bodies( a form of astral projection) and contact guides, some even have animal guides that give them omens or insights.. end quote.
Though I have heard many definitions of "Shamanism" this is informative in an interesting way of approaching the subject. The world Shaman comes from Siberian Shamans and has become used to similar practices around the world which are shared by all cultures back into prehistory.
All religions at first started in Shamanistic ways. It could be said that cities caused codification of Shamanism into religions. However, most religions have lost something powerful in the process. I believe that each person's direct experience with God and nature is vital for a powerful and useful experience with God and nature. As people become more removed from the natural world by living in large cities they become removed from their natural abilities. Specialization in this way robs people of their direct experiences with God. At some point I believe everyone needs to experience the primalness of a direct experience with God. This often comes in dealing with the death or near death of the person or the death of a relative or friend which triggers experiences, emotions and a reality that oftentimes don't arise in that person's life otherwise. Through death or a near death of a person or a significant other people many times can then more realistically approach life, death and God.
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