Zephyr has left a new comment on your post "Saint Germain Speaks of his life as Francis Bacon":
What should I do to become a vegetarian like Saint Germain? I know or they say he ate only above ground foods. Sun ripened, and no green leafy vegetables? Also, I am currently engaged to Martha Custis Washingtons direct descendants and she is also kin to the Lee family of Virginia. Her last name is Kennon. Her father is Beverly Randolph Kennon. I have had this strange attraction to Saint Germain since dating her. I too was born and raised alomg the coast of California...I love your blogs-best I found to relate to. I also had a strange Alien encounter at age 15 in De Luz, CA. I actually touched one...! end quote.
Though I was raised a lacto-ovo vegetarian(which is most similar to East Indian Vegetarians) I have very mixed feelings about it all now. For example, even though I have the clearest arteries and veins doctors had ever seen when I had an angiogram 10 years ago, it is likely that one of the causes of my childhood epilepsy was a lack of B-complex vitamins from not eating meat. And I almost died of this. And even though it helped develop my intuitive gifts it also terrified me and traumatized me in a way nothing else has before or since.
I think the best way to look at whatever you eat is to see every thing you eat or don't eat affects not only the way you think and feel but also how you look and how you perceive everything. So, it is as if EVERYTHING you eat helps create your consciousness. So, when you choose what to eat(if you have the resources to do this) think about how you want to perceive reality and how what you eat will help you keep alive and prosper in all ways.
For example, hypothyroidism can be one of the results of being a vegetarian and since hypothyroidism is also found to be one of the precursors to alzheimers this is also something to think about as well.
I once read a book called, "Life Begins at 40". But in reality life only begins at 40 if you have done your homework and found ways to be healthy in all ways including financial and health care ways. Otherwise 40 can be hell. So the whole thing is about balance. So I guess I believe in "moderation in all things" like the ancient Greeks.
The more extreme I have seen people get about anything, the more likely sooner or later they are to have a mental or physical or emotional breakdown and many times people never fully recover from these.
So, if you want to be a vegetarian, some of the most important foods would be baked potatoes(if you eat the skins you could live on organic baked potatoes alone) but who would want to unless just survival was at stake?). Apples are important if they are organic to keep your bowels regular, and I like dairy because it is a good source of protein even though too much cheese can be constipating.
My father was a health foodist(studied with Paul Bragg like Jack Lalane did) so I was raised on bake potatoes, scalped potatoes with cheese. Organic Romaine lettuce, corn, peas, carrots, tomato soup, mushroom soup, vegetable soup, organic grains and vegetables,vitamins, fruit and wheat germ smoothies etc.
The more raw food you eat the less food you will need. Most of the overweight problem in the U.S. is caused by devitalized food with not enough nutrients. One reason people in Europe stay thinner is because the food is better in general.
Eating at a fast food place is a lot like deciding to eat cardboard because it is just so processed and devitalized usually. Another problem is high fructose Corn Syrup which increase ones desire for food and sugar. It is added to many drinks and processed foods to increase consumption.
So, the more you can know about food the healthier you can become. But I have also known people who have gotten too extreme about the whole thing and this causes problems too. So each person has to find their own balance. There are just so many different factors and variable in every persons life that we all have to do what we can to stay in balance in all ways not only for ourselves but for our family and friends so we can help them stay alive and healthy too.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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