Saturday, March 4, 2017

Millennials and Generation X are twice as likely to get Colon Cancer as people over 50 years of age now

Recently, my son who is 42 and his wife who is about 40 went in to get colonoscopies, one at a time because someone had to watch their almost 3 year old son. I was surprised at this and even more surprised that they each had about 4 precancerous polyps removed too each. This was sort of astounding to me because my first colonoscopy was at age 50 (I'm now 68) and my second colonoscopy was at 52 and then I kept putting it off for a 3rd one until about a month ago when they removed 9 polyps this time. However, if I hadn't had the screening at 50 I would have been dead by 60 likely. So, as scary as this procedure is for some people, it is helpful to have a colonoscopy by 40 or, especially if you are a millennial or Generation X if you don't want to die from colon cancer before your time.

They are picking up colon cancer in Millennials and Generation X between ages 20 and 40 which wasn't happening with Baby boomers until 50 or more as a general rule.

My wife said some people think it is because generation X and millennials didn't spend enough time in the dirt eating dirt and playing in the dirt like we all did being very out doorsy like baby boomers all pretty much were and are.

However, I mentioned to my wife that my son played in the dirt a lot when we lived 10 miles from the nearest gas station or town on a dirt road in the forest in an A-Frame at 4000 feet on the side of Mt. Shasta without power or natural gas from 1980 to 1985. So, this cannot be why. We were in a very ecologically pure environment.

My thought is that it might be the exposure to Cell phones and Wifi in people's homes. Electrical coronas (of all kinds affect people's bodies in various ways). For example, it's one Reason I don't want to own a Prius or other Hybrid or Electric Car because of this one factor.

Because I want to live as long as possible and not get leukemia or lymph cancer or brain cancer from an electric or hybrid vehicle. The other good possibility is that GMO foods are making the Millennials and Generation X have colon cancer too, or it could be a variety of factors still unknown at present by doctors and researchers.

So, if you are a millennial or a Generation X person this might be a good line of research for you to help people your age survive longer.n

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