Friday, March 24, 2017

Only 17% of the American People approved of Repeal and Replace

It isn't surprising therefore that it wasn't even brought up for a vote today!

The amount of people that outright disapproved of this bill: 56%
The amount of people who had no idea whether they liked it or not: 26%

So, here you have it folks Only 17% liked this bill at all

56% hated it.

And 26% percent were so clueless or (working to stay alive so hard) that they had no idea what was going on with it.

This was a real farce that is demonstrated by the 52 million people who would NOT have any healthcare at all by 2026 directly because of this bill if it were passed.

So, therefore it is NOT surprising to me that it didn't even come up for a vote!

This poll was on Greta Van Susteran's MSNBC show this afternoon Friday March 23rd 2017

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